Thursday saw the much anticipated release of the Marni for H&M collection.
It turned out that it wasn't stocked in Lille (thanks H&M!), but I managed to nab a t-shirt on after being placed in an online queue for what seemed like an age.
The collection sold out in New York in a mere 30 minutes and London wasn't too far behind with queues snaking around the block, the usual wristband distribution and frenzied "you have 30 minutes to shop" drama (I did it for Kate Moss' first collection for Topshop back in May 2007 and it was insane) The Marni collection is one of my preferred of late; Versace really didn't do it for me-too loud, too colourful and a bit too much.
Marni's promo film having being shot by Sofia Coppola in Marrakesh didn't hurt the cool factor surrounding the collection either.

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